All parents must sign a release of liability form and the studio’s tuition/attendance/policies/privacy policy form. Please read the studio’s policies carefully so there will be no misunderstandings. Parents will also be required to sign a statement declaring they have read and understand the physical dangers of dance and will not hold All That Dance responsible for injuries sustained while receiving dance instruction. Students will not be allowed to attend class until these forms are signed and accounted for.

Students are placed in class by age and ability at the discretion of the studio. Your child is a wonderful, unique individual. With that being said certain factors help shape a child’s progression, such as determination, self-discipline, natural talent, and the amount of time spent practicing weekly. Patience will go a long way in the development of your child. Sometimes friends are at different ability levels so they do not necessarily belong in the same class due to friendship. The director will make all final decisions regarding class placement.

Please know that "stage mothers/fathers" will not be tolerated and disruptive parents will be asked to leave the studio permanently with no refund. 


Fall Tuition Rates

* registration fee of $30/$35 (family) due at time of enrollment

Each class meets once a week on designated day

with REQUIRED enrollment in auto debit program

1/2 hour = $40.00 monthly

50 to 60 minute = $70.00 monthly
1 hour + 1 hour = $122.50 monthly
1 hour + 1 hour + 1 hour = $157.50 monthly

1 hour + 1 hour + 1/2 hour + 1/2 hour = $162.50 monthly

All the above rates include discount pricing equal to:
25% off 2nd class
50% off each additional class

{ NEW } Payments made through Studio Director will be accessed a 3.5% transaction fee

beginning 8/01/24 if you have credit or debit card information saved as your payment choice.

ACH (checking/savings account) transactions will not incur a transaction fee.

Tuition is due and payable the first day of each month.

Transactions will be processed on the 1st business day of the month.

Payments made in studio are subject to additional fees.

Private instruction available upon request, $40.00 per hour.